Ready to adopt?
Found a furry friend you are interested in?
We do not have a shelter location and all our dogs are in various foster homes, to meet our available dogs please attend an adoption event.
While most likely the dog is potty-trained to that particular foster home, they are NOT potty-trained for every house and will require you doing your due-diligence and ensure the dog becomes potty trained to your home...looking for a quick fix...sorry. All dogs, even rescues require training, including potty training. Think of it this way: You go to a new friend's home and you've never used their restroom or even toured the home to find the restroom; do you simply "just know" where to find it? Nope, you'd have to ask, right?
To complete an application for a dog, please download application and email: chirescue@ymail.com.
Dogs do not generalize, so indoors is not simply "indoors to them." If a dog attends a dog-day care where they potty "wherever the need to" it does not undo the potty-trained dog in their own home!
CRITICALLY IMPORTANT: Generalization & Regressions:
Even if you go through this process meticulously, there may be times your dog seems to forget the rules. Dogs do not generalize well…that means, if you only go through the training process in a certain location, for example, they may learn the rules apply there, but may not automatically understand these rules apply in all buildings. If you move to a new home, take your dog to a friend’s house or even visit a pet store with your pet, the dog may not understand they should not eliminate in these buildings. The solution: “go back to preschool”…that is, REVIEW the training process starting with feeding schedule, supervision, rewards for every elimination in the right place…all the way up to proofing your training. Also resist the temptation to stop rewarding altogether once a behavior has been learned. Occasional rewards throughout life will help keep your dog’s motivation to do desired behaviors strong. Sometimes if there is just a change in your household, this will be enough to trigger a regression. Perhaps someone has moved in or out, or maybe you’ve lost or gained another pet. It could have just been that you rearranged your furniture, or that you decided to try to get your dog to only eliminate in a certain portion of your yard. In any of these situations, you should be prepared to go back to the basics and review the potty training process if you see any signs of regression.
NOTE: We can provide you with wonderful potty-training information, simply email us and put "potty-training" in the subject line. Thank you and together we can eliminate the misconceptions of potty-training a dog.