Jamison Parker


Jamison Parker, formerly known as Spencer Tracy, is a resilient Chihuahua with a touching story. He entered the loving care of Chihuahua Rescue in early 2014, hoping it was his forever home. At Chihuahua Rescue, we firmly commit to ensuring the lifetime happiness and well-being of every dog we place in homes.

Unfortunately, circumstances changed, and Jamison had to return to us through no fault of his own. The introduction of children into the household led to his return, highlighting the complexities of pet ownership.

Now known as Jamison, this brave little Chihuahua was born approximately on April 1, 2013. Despite his challenges, he's a fighter. He's currently undergoing rehabilitation with us and will need some time to regain his confidence and trust in new people.

Jamison has been neutered and is up-to-date on his vaccinations, ensuring he's healthy and ready for a fresh start. It's evident that he has experienced trauma in his past, as he's fearful of mops and brooms. We can only imagine the hardships he may have faced.

Our dedicated team at Chihuahua Rescue is committed to helping Jamison heal both physically and emotionally. We believe that, with time, patience, and love, he can find the forever home he truly deserves. Please check back to see his progress and when he may be available to adopt.



